Aysha Hauer é uma atriz norte-americana.
Filha do também ator Rutger Hauer, e neta de Arend Hauer outro ator, ela estrelou filmes como: Dançando com o Mal; At Ground Zero e Kick of Death.
A bela loira nascida em 1966 aparece com as axilas peludas e os seios a mostra no filme Welcome Says the Angel (1996).
Mostrando assim ser o orgulho da família de atores.
Aysha Hauer is a North American actress.
Daughter of actor Rutger Hauer also Arend Hauer is your granddaughter, another actor, she starred movies such as: Witchcraft V; At Ground Zero; Kick of Death.
The beautiful blonde who was born in 1966 appears with the hairy armpits and show your breasts in the movie Welcome Says the Angel (1996).
Showing well be the pride of the family of actors.
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