Iniciou sua carreira como vocal de apoio, chegando a tocar com Peter Gabriel.
Toca piano e clarineta, produz seus próprios álbuns e coordena a parte gráfica dos mesmos. Paula entrou no Berklee College of Music em Boston quando fez 18 anos, onde estudou canto de jazz e improvisação.
O seu disco de maior sucesso foi This Fire de 1997 mesma época que Paula mantinha as axilas peludas, depois que apareceu depilada a carreira nunca mais foi a mesma, caindo no ostracismo.
Coincidência ou não era melhor continuar peludona.
Olha como a maldição das Mulheres com Axilas Peludas pega!!!! rsssss
Paula Cole, U.S. singer, was born in 1968 in Rockport.
She began his career as a voice of support, getting to work with Peter Gabriel.
Plays piano and clarinet, produces its own albums and coordinates the graphics of them.
Paula entered the Berklee College of Music in Boston when he made 18 years, where he studied corner of jazz and improvisation.
His record of success was greater This Fire of 1997 that Paula same time maintaining the hairy armpits, after they appeared shaved his career was never the same, falling in ostracism. Coincidence or not was better to continue haired.
Look how the curse of Women with Axilas Peludas grip! smiles!!!
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