Nascida no Marrocos, Nawal El Moutawakel foi a primeira mulher muçulmana a ganhar a medalha de ouro em Jogos Olímpicos.
O feito foi obtido em 1984 nas Olimpíadas de Los Angeles nos 400 metros com barreiras.
A marroquina tinha por hábito deixar as axilas peludas e festejou muito o ouro inédito levantando os braços e alegrando os fãs de mulheres peludas.
Recentemente Nawal foi nomeada para a integrar o COI Comitê Olímpico Internacional.
Born in Morocco, Nawal El Moutawakel was the first Muslim woman to win the gold medal in Olympic Games.
This was done obtained in 1984 in the Los Angeles Olympics Games in the 400 m hurdles.
The Moroccan had the habit of leaving the hairy armpits and celebrated the unpublished gold raising his arms and making happy fans of hairy women.
Nawal recently was appointed to integrate the IOC International Olympic Committee.
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