A atriz norte-americana Gillian Anderson, nascida em 1968, é mais conhecida pelo lendário personagem que interpretou na série Arquivo X, Danna Scully.
202 episódios e 9 anos foi esse o tempo que durou a série.
Gillian apareceu com as axilas peludas mostrando seus pêlos ruivos em um evento no EUA em 2002.
Além da primeira foto onde está ainda mais peludinha e é a foto dela que eu mais gosto.
The North American actress Gillian Anderson, who was born in 1968, is best known for legendary character who played in the series X Files, Danna Scully.
202 episodes and 9 years was that the time it took the series.
Gillian show your hairy pits redheads in an event in the U.S. in 2002.
Apart from the first picture which is even more bushed and is the picture of it that I like so much.
2 comentários:
I am leaving this comment here because it involves another celebrity. You seem to have missed the story and pics of Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child and her hairy pits:
Great blob you have here!
Thanxs a lot my friend!
I see the pic of Kelly Rowland and soon put a post here on the blog about it.
You can wait.
And whenever you know of another hairy woman send the link or pics pliss.
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